SCTIMST Bio-Medical Technology Wing

Home . SCTIMST Bio-Medical Technology Wing

Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) stands as an Institution of National Importance in India, operating under the aegis of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The institution’s visionary founders initiated a harmonious fusion of medicine and technology over thirty years ago, a concept that has now matured into a widely embraced paradigm. With university status, SCTIMST offers an exceptional environment for research and training across its three integral components: a specialized tertiary referral hospital, a cutting-edge biomedical technology wing, and the Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies. At the core of its mission, SCTIMST concentrates on delivering advanced and top-tier care for cardiac and neurological ailments, propelling the development of indigenous biomedical technologies, and advancing public health education and research. The institute’s pioneering work spans diverse domains, from interventional radiology and cardiac electrophysiology to innovative medical device creation, culminating in a medical devices incubator (TIMed) and a reputation as a Technical Research Centre for Biomedical devices.

Sl. No. Departments Sub Departments
Department of Applied Biology
  • Division of Experimental Pathology
  • Division of In Vivo Models and Testing
  • Division of Laboratory Animal Science
  • Division of Microbial Technology
  • Division of Molecular Medicine
  • Division of Sleep Research
  • Division of Thrombosis Research
  • Division of Tissue Culture
  • Division of Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Technologies
  • Division of Toxicology
Department of Biomaterial Science and Technology
  • Division of Bioceramics
  • Division of Biophotonics and Imaging
  • Division of Biosurface Technology
  • Division of Dental Products
Department of Medical Devices Engineering
  • Division of Artificial Internal Organs
  • Division of Extracorporeal Devices
  • Division of Medical Instrumentation
  • Division of Polymeric Medical Devices
  • Division of Precision Fabrication
Department of Technology and Quality Management
  • Calibration Cell
  • Central Analytical Facility
  • Division of Engineering Services
  • Quality Cell
  • Technology Business Division
  • Technology Proving Facility
Sl. No. Area of Research Sub Areas
Biomaterials Research
  • Synthesis and characterizations of novel biocompatible polymers
  • Polymers and polymer composites with tailor made properties and structure
  • Polymers for drug delivery applications, sensor applications, coatings on medical devices
  • Quantum dots for medical applications, Molecular imprinting techniques for sensor applications
  • Ceramic nano particles development for drug delivery such as insulin/ heparin, gold nanoparticles for sensing of biomolecules and other applications in biomedical area
  • Bioceramics based on hydroxyapatite and bioactive ceramic-glass composite platforms, Polymer ceramic composites
  • Dental materials- synthesis and characterization of novel dental materials
  • Chitosan research for applications in wound healing, drug delivery etc
  • Reduction of latex allergy, coatings on latex products
Biological research area
  • Tissue Engineering Research-corneal TE, hepatocytes and endothelial cells for bioartificial liver, scaffolds for cartilage, pancreas,
  • Stem cell research-cell encapsulation,
  • Tissue material interaction, developing an atlas of tissue response, study of retrieved human implants
  • Blood Material interactions, Thrombosis research
  • Decellularisation of animal tissues
  • Developing alternate and new test systems for animal testing
  • Development of growth factors such as Transformation growth factors (TGF-alpha) and Vascular Endothelial growth factor (VEGF)- D
Biomedical engineering
  • Designing, modeling, prototyping and testing of cardiovascular devices and implants
  • Finite element modeling and analysis of medical devices, Blood flow studies, Computational Fluid dynamic studies
  • Development of test systems such as accelerated wear tester, pulse duplicator, pressure calibrator etc for device evaluation
  • Surface modification and applications of PET fabrics
  • Advanced coatings for improving biocompatibility and surface property in medical devices such as Diamond Like Coatings (DLC) and Titanium Nitride Coatings
  • Laser deposition of ceramics on devices
  • Electrical Impedance based pneumography
  • Bioreactor development and Electro spinning stations for Tissue engineering
Product Development
  • Cardio-vascular Devices and Implants such as mechanical heart valves, tissue based valves, coronary stents, blood pumps, LVADs, blood oxygenators, vascular grafts, ECG electrodes, tissue based cardiac patch
  • Neurological devices such as EMG electrodes, DBS implants
  • Neurosurgical implants such as Hydrocephalus shunt, aneurysm clips/ coils
  • Blood transfusion products such as blood bags, leukocyte filters etc
  • Dental materials- composite based materials, titanium based dental implants
  • Bioceramic materials and polymer ceramic composites for dental and orthopedic applications
  • Hormone releasing Intrauterine devices
  • Kits such as Urinary tract infection identification, Elisa based Pyrogen test kit
  • Biologicals such as Fibrin glue, Anti-viper venom, fetal calf serum
  • Chitosan based wound dressings
  • Eco friendly animal bedding for laboratory animals
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