HLL Lifecare Limited

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HLL Lifecare Limited, commonly known as HLL, is a leading Indian healthcare company that operates at the intersection of public health and industry. Established in 1966, the company specializes in manufacturing and marketing a diverse range of healthcare products, including contraceptives, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and diagnostics. With a strong emphasis on quality and innovation, HLL has played a pivotal role in supporting various government health programs and initiatives aimed at improving public health in India. Through its comprehensive portfolio and commitment to social responsibility, HLL Lifecare Limited continues to contribute significantly to healthcare accessibility and affordability in the country, making a positive impact on the well-being of millions.

SL. No: Production Facilities Products Business Divisions (Products) Services Service Divisions Area of Expertise
Peroorkada Factory, Trivandrum (PFT)
Re-hydration salts
Consumer Business Division (CBD)
AMRIT Retail Pharmacy Stores
Retail Business Division (RBD)
Medical Devices
Akkulam Factory, Trivandrum ( AFT)
Blood transfusion equipment
HiCARE Division (HCD)
Healthcare Services Division (HCS)
Pharma Products
Kanagala Factory, Belgaum( KFB )
Wound care products
Women’s Healthcare Division (WHD)
HLL Pharmacy & Surgicals /HLL Opticals
Diagnostic Products
Kakkanad Factory, Cochin( KFC )
Blood banking equipment
International Business Division (IBD)
Manesar Factory, Gurgaon( MFG )
Surgical and Healthcare products
Government Business Division (GBD)
Pharma Factory, Indore (PFI)
Vending Business Division (VBD)
Irapuram Factory, Cochin (IFC)
Bhagwanpur Factory, Haridwar (BFH)
SL. No: Core Divisions (R&D centre) Products Developed (R&D) Products in Pipeline (R&D) Contract Research Testing Facilities (R&D)
New Chemical Entity Division- medicinal chemistry, multi-step synthetic organic chemistry, heterocyclic, and achiral synthesis
Hormone releasing Intra Uterine System (Emily)
Coated CuT
New chemical Entity-
  • Custom Synthesis of Organic Molecules
  • Synthesis of library of compounds for Structure Activity Relationship
  • Optimization of Synthetic Procedures for generic achiral drugs
  • Design and Synthesis of New Molecular Entities
  • Precision polymer synthesis (Controlled radical/enzymatic/anionic/free-radical Polymerization as well as polycondensation)
  • Target based drug design
  • Structure based drug design
Medical Devices
Medical Devices Division- implants, drug delivery systems, nanomaterials, prophylactics
Female Condom (Velvet) from NR latex
Graphene Condom
Medical devices-
  • Implant
  • Drug Delivery devices
  • Wound care management
  • Prophylactics
  • Controlled delivery systems
Pharmaceutical Formulation
Pharmaceutical Formulation Development Division- NCE formulations, Generic formulations, novel products
Nano silver particle incorporated Sanitary Napkin (Happy days silver)
Herbal Microbicide
Pharmaceutical Formulation-
  • Different dosage forms as per regulatory requirements which includes
  • Tablets -Immediate release, Modified release, Orally Disintegrating, Bilayer tablet, Chewable tablet, Sublingual peptide tablet
  • Capsules – Powders, Pellets
  • Semisolids – Gels, Cream
  • Oral fast dissolving film
  • Pre-formulation studies as per ICH guidelines
  • Improvement of stability of product
  • Analytical method development
Natural Products
Natural Products Division- vaginal candidiasis, uterine disorders, PCOS, Sexually Transmitting Infections (STIs) like HIV/AIDS
HCG rapid diagnostic test cards (Make Sure)
Diagnostic ELISA kit for cervical cancer
Natural Products-
  • Herbal product formulation such as liquids, creams, powders, tablets, and capsules.
  • Development of quality control methods for herbal drugs through HPLC standardization of Marker/standard compounds in Raw Materials & Finished products
  • Isolation of phytochemical standards/markers from Indian medicinal plants on demand basis at competitive price.
Diagnostics Division- Molecular biology, Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics
New Synthetic Pathway for Ormeloxifene API
Rapid Diagnostic kits
  • Development of In-Vitro diagnostics development and testing.
  • Developing and validating Rapid Test kits in Immunochromatographic format.
  • Developing and validating ELISA based kits.
  • Developing and validating molecular diagnostics (PCR based).
New Chemical Entity
Synthesis of Intermediate N- (2-chloroethyl)Pyrrolidine
Herbal Antifungal formulation
Central Instrumentation
Rapid Diagnostic test cards
Hinstat Ext
Pre-Clinical Evaluation Facility
RAYSHIELD-Cervical Spacer
Sublingual Tablet
Incubation Facility
Uterine Tonic (Ulixir)
Transdermal gel for mastalgia
Quality Assurance
Internal Hemostat (HINSTAT)
HCG Rapid Diagnostic Test Cards (Make Sure)
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