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Importance of a Cluster Ecosystem

India, with a population of over 1.2 billion people, has several pressing needs in healthcare, including access to quality health delivery systems, affordable drugs, devices and medical technology for treating and preventing diseases, promoting health and sustaining quality of life. India has several world-class hospitals and some successful R&D in drug development, but, research, development and manufacturing activities with regard to quality medical devices and technologies are limited. The country is mainly dependent on imported medical devices and technologies some of which are either not affordable or not aligned to the needs of the majority of the Indian population.

There is thus a huge clinical and commercial need for the research and development of cutting edge and affordable medical technologies. It is difficult for any one entity or organization to undertake all aspects of the technology development and commercialization. It has been shown in many parts of the world, especially in USA, that a consortium or cluster of institutions that can provide technological, research, clinical, business and other expertise can create such an environment in an efficient and cost-effective way to boost technological and economic advancements.

Importance of a Cluster Ecosystem

India, with a population of over 1.2 billion people, has several pressing needs in healthcare, including access to quality health delivery systems, affordable drugs, devices and medical technology for treating and preventing diseases, promoting health and sustaining quality of life. India has several world-class hospitals and some successful R&D in drug development, but, research, development and manufacturing activities with regard to quality medical devices and technologies are limited. The country is mainly dependent on imported medical devices and technologies some of which are either not affordable or not aligned to the needs of the majority of the Indian population.
There is thus a huge clinical and commercial need for the research and development of cutting edge and affordable medical technologies. It is difficult for any one entity or organization to undertake all aspects of the technology development and commercialization. It has been shown in many parts of the world, especially in USA, that a consortium or cluster of institutions that can provide technological, research, clinical, business and other expertise can create such an environment in an efficient and cost-effective way to boost technological and economic advancements.

Kerala Medical Technology Consortium (KMTC), aims at positioning Kerala as a medical technology and devices hub. KMTC is a futuristic and highly ambitious program envisioning to create an appropriate ecosystem in the state to foster medical innovation, R&D, technology development and manufacturing over the next decade, KMTC is NOT yet another incubation facility. It is conceived as a new “Beyond Cluster” model where the entities will interact and iterate between themselves and organically evolve.

The key ingredient is to create Cluster thinking among all participants as it orients economic development policy and practice toward groups of organizations and away from individual firms. The key activities would be developing the beyond cluster ecosystem by bringing together all the key institutions, by defining their relevant roles, creating additional resources, developing the talents and fuelling the growth with the incubation facilities.

KMTC Operational Model


  • • Cardiovascular – SCTIMST, MCH Tvm, KIMS
  • • Diabetic-Medical College, MIMS Research Foundation, NIT Calicut
  • • Neurosciences-SCTIMST, Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram
  • • Cancer-KUHS, CUSAT, Cancer Center, Ernakulum
  • • Assistive Technology-NISH: CATI, IPM, CADRRE, NIPMR, CDC


  • • Workshops/Training
  • • Conferences/Expos
  • • Seminars/Events
  • • Hackathons/Pitch Fest
  • • Young Innovators Program


  • • Industry Partners
  • • International Collaborations
  • • Policy Creation


  • • Common testing facilities
  • • Expert/mentoring services Physical infrastructure
  • • Networking, Company Secretarial IP Support
  • • Business Plan Preparation Support
  • • Marketing Support
  • • Legal and Regulatory Support


  • • Short/Long Term Courses
  • • Entrepreneurial Development Programs
  • • Academic collaborations & internships


  • • Innovation park
  • • Meds Park
  • • Bio 360 Life sciences Park


  • • Bioengineering & Medical tech Institute


  • • Angel Network
  • • VC Connect
  • •Government Grants
  • • Seed Funding


  • • Workshops/Training
  • • Conferences/Expos
  • • Seminars/Events
  • • Hackathons/Pitch Fest
  • • Young Innovators Program


  • • Cardiovascular – SCTIMST, MCH Tvm, KIMS
  • • Diabetic-Medical College, MIMS Research Foundation, NIT Calicut
  • • Neurosciences-SCTIMST, Medical College, Trivandrum
  • • Cancer-KUHS, CUSAT, Cancer Center, Ernakulum


  • • Innovation Park
  • • Medical Industrial park


  • • Bioengineering & Medical tech Institute


  • • Angel Network
  • • VC Connect
  • • Government Grants
  • • Seed Funding


  • • Industry Partners
  • • International Collaborations
  • • Policy Creation


  • • Common testing facilities
  • • Expert/mentoring services Physical infrastructure
  • • Networking, Company Secretarial IP Support
  • • Business Plan Preparation Support
  • • Marketing Support
  • • Legal and Regulatory Support


  • • Short/Long Term Courses
  • • Entrepreneurial Development Programs
  • • Academic collaborations & internships









Research Institutions in Kerala

Academic Institutions

Sree Chitra Institute of Medical Sciences
Kerala University
MG University
Central University Kasargod
Achuta Menon Center for Health Science Studies
IIT Palakkad
NIT Calicut

MedTech Companies

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