
In alignment with the priority of the Govt of Kerala to promote sunrise sectors like the Medical Devices / Medical Technology sector, and in accordance with the objectives of the Vision and Mission of Kerala Medical Technology Consortium (KMTC), KMTC took the lead in organizing and coordinating the delegation’s participation at the event. KMTC partnered with Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) and Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), to present a holistic cross-section of the Kerala MedTech Ecosystem and the opportunities for manufacturing and research, innovation and development.

The Kerala pavilion was set up well ahead of the scheduled start of the event on 30th January. The Pavilion was in the Hall Z4, and the standout booth attracted a lot of attention. The Pavilion witnessed a footfall of more than 300 on the event dates and more than 170 visitors were identified as potential prospects who expressed interest on the MedTech Ecosystem that Kerala Showcased. These leads will now be individually followed up by KMTC and qualified.

KMTC invited a group of high-profile business leaders and investors to the short interactive and networking session to showcase the immense potential for research, development, manufacturing and entrepreneurship in the Medical Technology / Medical Devices sector. H.E. Dr Aman Puri, Consul General of India, Dubai delivered the inaugural address to a venue packed with established leaders of business and industry from the Indian diaspora as well as the United Arab Emirates. The event was attended by stalwarts like Mr Essa Al Ghurair, Chairman, Essa Al Ghurair Investments, Dr M I Sahadulla, Chairman & Managing Director, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Dr Azad Moopen, Chairman, Aster DM Healthcare, Mr V K Mathews, Chairman, IBS Software plc and Mr Thomas John, Chairman & Managing Director, Agappe Diagnostics Ltd among others.

The Special Officer, KMTC described in his presentation the number of favorable factors that make Kerala the ideal destination for high quality, cutting-edge Medical Devices and Medical Technology projects, including the extensive research infrastructure and capabilities within the state, the renowned low-cost-high-quality public healthcare model as well as availability of highly skilled talent. He clearly conveyed that Kerala is poised to become the regional hub for the sector in the next decade.

Senior members of the Indian business community, like Mr V K Mathews, D Azad Moopen and Dr M I Sahadulla, shared their success stories of doing business in Kerala, while MD, KSIDC detailed the latest incentives and policies to stoke investments in the state and ease the process of doing business. CEO, KSUM presented the vibrant and inclusive startup ecosystem being promoted and fostered within the state, with strong infrastructure and incentives.

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