Amrita Center for Nanoscience & Molecular Medicine

Home . Amrita Center for Nanoscience & Molecular Medicine

The Amrita Center for Nanoscience & Molecular Medicine (ACNSMM) is a pioneering research institution located within Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India. Established at the intersection of nanotechnology and medicine, ACNSMM is dedicated to cutting-edge research, innovation, and application of nanoscience in the field of medicine. Since its inception, the center has been at the forefront of interdisciplinary research, exploring the potential of nanomaterials, nanoparticles, and molecular medicine for addressing complex healthcare challenges. ACNSMM’s contributions extend to various domains, including drug delivery, diagnostics, therapeutics, and tissue engineering. The center’s collaborative environment brings together experts from diverse fields to foster innovative solutions for critical medical issues. Through its research initiatives, academic programs, and technological advancements, the Amrita Center for Nanoscience & Molecular Medicine continues to make significant strides in revolutionizing healthcare and shaping the future of nanomedicine on a global scale.

SL. No: Research & Projects Facilities Equipments
Nano-characterisation Facility
  • FTIR
  • UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
  • Spectrofuorimeter
  • Thermal Analysis Systems (DSC, TGA/DTA)
  • Particle Sizer with Zeta Potential Analyser for physiochemical characterization of nanomaterials.
Cell Culture & Stem Cell Facility
  • Cell/ Stem Cell/ Tissue Culture Facility with Biological Safety Cabinets
  • CO2 Incubator
  • Inverted Microscope
  • Fluorescent Microscope
  • Liquid N2 Facility
  • -80°C freezer
  • -20°C freezer, etc.
High-resolution Imaging Facility
  • high resolution Scanning Electron microscope
  • Atomic Force microscope
  • Fluorescence microscope. Other additions to the lab include the:
    • new generation Spectral Confocal Laser Scanning microscope
    • and the transmission electron microscope.
Nanotoxicology Facility
  • non-invasive, whole animal multispectral imaging system having fluorescence and X – ray imaging capabilities.
Nanochemistry and Electrospinning Facility
  • wet chemical processing of various types of nanomaterials such as inorganic, metallic and polymeric nanoparticles.
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility
  • two flow cytometers
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